
Letter & Spirit, Volume 6: For the Sake of Our Salvation: The Truth and Humility of God’s Word is unavailable, but you can change that!

Letter and Spirit is a journal of Catholic biblical theology that seeks to foster a deeper conversation on Sacred Scripture. It aims to address the many questions surrounding the Bible and including: • What is it? • Where does it come from? • How should you read it? • What claim should it make in your life, on the teaching and practice of the Church, or the world you live in? This...

that the final interpreter of the Council is of course the living magisterium of the Catholic Church.30 First, if we interpret Vatican II’s teaching on Scripture with a hermeneutic of continuity, then the weight of probability is tipped heavily in favor of absolute (or complete) inerrancy. The reason: previous magisterial teachings on Scripture are unequivocal on this point. For example, in 1870, Vatican I dogmatically proclaimed that the canonical books of Scripture contain
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